4+ bedroom (extra finished room that can be used as office or bedroom makes 5)
4 finished floors which includes a finished basement with a 1/2 bath
2 1/2 baths in total
eat in kitchen, living room, dining room, den and sun-porch all on main level
Central air
1 car garage
Lots of character , quaint yard with pretty landscape
Asking price $819K
Contact info 973-222-0493 or 973-539-4069 (Michelle and Marc)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Contractor Referrals
Do you have a contractor you'd like to recommend to neighbors? Remodeling, Paving, Landscaping, etc? Post your suggestions here. (Or post a request for referrals.)
We were very pleased with NGM WIndow Cleaning - 800-NGM-1134 or info@ngmwindowcleaning.com
Sue Walter
We were very pleased with NGM WIndow Cleaning - 800-NGM-1134 or info@ngmwindowcleaning.com
Sue Walter
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Restriping test planned for busy Morristown road
MORRISTOWN — Morris County officials plan to
narrow Morris Avenue from three lanes to two
between Ford Avenue and Columbia Turnpike as a
test to slow traffic after the town council voted to
allow them to do so.
The council voted 3-2 Tuesday to allow the test,
which county officials say could begin next month.
Residents have long complained about cars
traveling too fast in the Washington Headquarters
neighborhood. They also say cars sometimes go the
wrong way down the one-way street, which is a
county road.
If the new traffic pattern slows traffic and improves
safety, county officials said, it could become
permanent when the county repaves Morris Avenue
this summer. County officials say a study conducted
this year on Morris Avenue showed cars traveling
much faster than the posted 25 mph speed limit.
Dozens of residents showed up for the hearing, all
saying they have safety concerns, but not all in
favor of the proposed lane changes.
"The community is divided practically down the
middle," said Valerie Irwin, who said she had
concerns about the project worsening traffic
congestion in the area.
The council voted 3-2 to allow the test, with Raline
Smith-Reid and Alison Deeb voting no, saying they
wanted further discussion on the matter.
Irwin and other residents asked the council for
additional discussions after the test is implemented
and suggested the new patterns might create traffic
back ups all the way to the Green. They complained
that a similar test in 2003, which used barrels to
redirect traffic into two lanes, caused too much
congestion in the area and made it difficult for them
to get out of their driveways.
Chris Vitz, supervising engineer with the county
Department of Public Works, acknowledged that the
2003 test was not successful. But he also said the
proposed test would be different because the lanes
would be repainted instead of using barrels. He said
using barrels creates the impression of a
construction zone, causing motorists to slow down
too much.
Vitz also said the barrels created two lanes on one
side of the avenue, as opposed to two lanes in the
center with shoulders on each side, as restriping
would do. He said the shoulders would help
residents get out of their driveways. And arrows
would be painted on the road to emphasize that it's
one way, he said.
He added that residents and town officials would
have a chance to discuss the changes before they
are made permanent. "We are not going to ram any
striping changes down Morristown's throat," he
Restriping for the test will cost the county between
$10,000 and $20,000, he said. Repaving the avenue
is expected to cost $1 million and to begin on
August 1.
While residents who spoke Tuesday night were
divided on the test, councilwoman Rebecca Feldman
said she received pages of e-mails from residents in
favor of it.
Most residents who spoke on Tuesday, whether for
or against, said cars in the area go too fast. They
said motorists appear confused by the wide avenue,
apparently believing it to be two-way street. One
woman said she is considering selling the house
she purchased on Morris Avenue a little more than a
year ago. One man said he recently saw a state
police car going the wrong way.
Patty Gallagher, who lives on Morris Avenue, said
wrong-way driving is "is at least on a weekly basis.
It's a regular event. . . . We absolutely need a way to
reduce speed and increase safety."
Vitz said the offer to test the new patterns came
after years of residents' complaints, and the fact that
Morris Avenue was in line to be repaved this
summer, 10 years after its last repaving. He said the
test has to be completed by the time the
county puts the repaving out to bid in July. The test
would use painted lines, he said, while more
permanent thermoplastic striping would be applied
during the repaving.
Vitz said a recent county study showed fewer cars
than expected on Morris Avenue east of Route 287,
where cars then pick up speed.
The daily average was 15,206 west of Route 287,
according to the study, but Vitz said about half of
those cars apparently enter the highway. The study
showed an average of 7,586 cars traveling on
Morris Avenue east of the highway.
It also showed drivers speeding up as the traffic
thinned east of the highway. It showed 85 percent
going 30 mph or slower west of Route 287 and the
same amount going 40 mph or slower after the
intersection. One goal of the re-striping, Vitz said,
is for 85 percent of motorists to travel within 5 mph
of the 25 mph speed limit.
Abbott Koloff: 973-428-6636; akoloff@gannett.
MORRISTOWN — Morris County officials plan to
narrow Morris Avenue from three lanes to two
between Ford Avenue and Columbia Turnpike as a
test to slow traffic after the town council voted to
allow them to do so.
The council voted 3-2 Tuesday to allow the test,
which county officials say could begin next month.
Residents have long complained about cars
traveling too fast in the Washington Headquarters
neighborhood. They also say cars sometimes go the
wrong way down the one-way street, which is a
county road.
If the new traffic pattern slows traffic and improves
safety, county officials said, it could become
permanent when the county repaves Morris Avenue
this summer. County officials say a study conducted
this year on Morris Avenue showed cars traveling
much faster than the posted 25 mph speed limit.
Dozens of residents showed up for the hearing, all
saying they have safety concerns, but not all in
favor of the proposed lane changes.
"The community is divided practically down the
middle," said Valerie Irwin, who said she had
concerns about the project worsening traffic
congestion in the area.
The council voted 3-2 to allow the test, with Raline
Smith-Reid and Alison Deeb voting no, saying they
wanted further discussion on the matter.
Irwin and other residents asked the council for
additional discussions after the test is implemented
and suggested the new patterns might create traffic
back ups all the way to the Green. They complained
that a similar test in 2003, which used barrels to
redirect traffic into two lanes, caused too much
congestion in the area and made it difficult for them
to get out of their driveways.
Chris Vitz, supervising engineer with the county
Department of Public Works, acknowledged that the
2003 test was not successful. But he also said the
proposed test would be different because the lanes
would be repainted instead of using barrels. He said
using barrels creates the impression of a
construction zone, causing motorists to slow down
too much.
Vitz also said the barrels created two lanes on one
side of the avenue, as opposed to two lanes in the
center with shoulders on each side, as restriping
would do. He said the shoulders would help
residents get out of their driveways. And arrows
would be painted on the road to emphasize that it's
one way, he said.
He added that residents and town officials would
have a chance to discuss the changes before they
are made permanent. "We are not going to ram any
striping changes down Morristown's throat," he
Restriping for the test will cost the county between
$10,000 and $20,000, he said. Repaving the avenue
is expected to cost $1 million and to begin on
August 1.
While residents who spoke Tuesday night were
divided on the test, councilwoman Rebecca Feldman
said she received pages of e-mails from residents in
favor of it.
Most residents who spoke on Tuesday, whether for
or against, said cars in the area go too fast. They
said motorists appear confused by the wide avenue,
apparently believing it to be two-way street. One
woman said she is considering selling the house
she purchased on Morris Avenue a little more than a
year ago. One man said he recently saw a state
police car going the wrong way.
Patty Gallagher, who lives on Morris Avenue, said
wrong-way driving is "is at least on a weekly basis.
It's a regular event. . . . We absolutely need a way to
reduce speed and increase safety."
Vitz said the offer to test the new patterns came
after years of residents' complaints, and the fact that
Morris Avenue was in line to be repaved this
summer, 10 years after its last repaving. He said the
test has to be completed by the time the
county puts the repaving out to bid in July. The test
would use painted lines, he said, while more
permanent thermoplastic striping would be applied
during the repaving.
Vitz said a recent county study showed fewer cars
than expected on Morris Avenue east of Route 287,
where cars then pick up speed.
The daily average was 15,206 west of Route 287,
according to the study, but Vitz said about half of
those cars apparently enter the highway. The study
showed an average of 7,586 cars traveling on
Morris Avenue east of the highway.
It also showed drivers speeding up as the traffic
thinned east of the highway. It showed 85 percent
going 30 mph or slower west of Route 287 and the
same amount going 40 mph or slower after the
intersection. One goal of the re-striping, Vitz said,
is for 85 percent of motorists to travel within 5 mph
of the 25 mph speed limit.
Abbott Koloff: 973-428-6636; akoloff@gannett.
WHNA Meeting Minutes – March 16, 2010
The WHNA meeting was held at the home of Sue and Keith Walter of Olmstead Road, and was called to order at 8:12pm. Attendees included: Sue Walter, Tami Ross, Treloar Medd, Michele Lucas, Rebecca Feldman and Lucille Knapik.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the January 2010 WHNA meeting were approved by Tami Ross will be posted to the WHNA blog.
Treasurer’s Report (Treloar Medd)
o WHNA checking account balance as of March 16 was $2833
o Dues for 2010 was received from 129 residents to date
o A budget of $2940 was established for 2010 based on planned activities and 2009 expenditures; the goal is to spend to budget each year
Old Business:
Chronicle Newsletter (Tami Ross)
o Residents provided positive feedback on the February issue of The Chronicle, citing it was informative and substantive
o Lucille Knapik will mail a copy of the Chronicle to the Town and Township Mayors’ office, Town Council members, etc
o The WHNA board suggested spreading the word to local realtors to print a copies of the newsletter from the WHNA blog and leave them for prospective buyers at neighborhood open houses
o Next edition is planned for late May or early June
Traffic Calming Update (Rebecca Feldman)
o WHNA board will continue to drive resident awareness of neighborhood traffic calming issues and related initiatives
o Neighborhood meetings, open to all residents, will be held in April to review the key concerns, review recommendations from the “walkability report”, and determine next steps
o Washington Avenue: Meeting will be held on Monday, April 12th at 7:00 pm at the Nosofsky’s, 98 Washington Ave.
o Morris Ave: Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 18th (time TBD), at the home of Deb Reegan, 1 Tiffany Road.
o Resident participation is strongly encouraged
Historical Initiatives
o Arnold’s Tavern Sign (Lucille Knapik)
o Lucille Knapik has received preliminary approval from the State’s historical society to move the location of the sign from Morris Ave near Jacob Ford Village to the national park/Ford Mansion site.
o The goal is to raise $1500 for repair of the sign; fund raising efforts will begin after official approval on the sign’s new location is received
o George Washington Statue Triangle Update (Rebecca Feldman)
o Repair and renovation of the statue and triangle is necessary, to address safety concerns, ADA accessibility and overall aesthetics
o Rebecca Feldman will spearhead a project to repair and re-landscape the area, as well as establish a budget (the statue is not on the historical register to so repair/renovation does not qualify for grant funds)
o Although the triangle is Morristown property and is not owned or maintained by the National Historical Park, there may be an opportunity to present the triangle’s repair and renovation plan for possible integration with the Park’s Mansion and Museum plan
o WHNA would submit a formal request to the National Historical Park Commission
o National Historical Register (Sue Walter)
o After the February Chronicle article, residents have expressed interest in pursuing historical designation for Washington’s Headquarters Neighborhood
o Sue Walter will continue researching requirements and will begin seeking a grant writer to apply for funding
WHNA Slate of Officers
o The following board positions remain open for the 2011-2012 term: Vice President and Recording Secretary
o A Chronicle Editor position is also available
o Interested residents should contact Sue Walter via the WHNA mailbox
Summer Party/Volleyball Tournament
o Residents have expressed interest in attending such an event, however a chair person and planning committee is required
o The event will be cancelled if a resident chairperson does not volunteer
Halloween Party
o Chair person and planning committee are also required for the 2010 Halloween event
o It was suggested that the party be held on Oak Lane, however no volunteers have expressed interest in hosting/chairing as of yet
New Business:
Meet the Mayors Event
o A Meet the Mayors event was socialized, however it was determined that resident attendance would likely be low as we move into the busy spring season
o Another idea being considered is a neighborhood cocktail party with an invitation extended to the Town and Township Mayors (possibly at the Westin/Governor Morris)
o Residents will receive an update via email if such an event is confirmed
Upcoming WHNA Meetings
o Tuesday, May 18 at 8pm (host Annie Acken of Washington Ave)
o Tuesday, July 20 at 8pm (host Treloar Medd of Georgian Road)
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the January 2010 WHNA meeting were approved by Tami Ross will be posted to the WHNA blog.
Treasurer’s Report (Treloar Medd)
o WHNA checking account balance as of March 16 was $2833
o Dues for 2010 was received from 129 residents to date
o A budget of $2940 was established for 2010 based on planned activities and 2009 expenditures; the goal is to spend to budget each year
Old Business:
Chronicle Newsletter (Tami Ross)
o Residents provided positive feedback on the February issue of The Chronicle, citing it was informative and substantive
o Lucille Knapik will mail a copy of the Chronicle to the Town and Township Mayors’ office, Town Council members, etc
o The WHNA board suggested spreading the word to local realtors to print a copies of the newsletter from the WHNA blog and leave them for prospective buyers at neighborhood open houses
o Next edition is planned for late May or early June
Traffic Calming Update (Rebecca Feldman)
o WHNA board will continue to drive resident awareness of neighborhood traffic calming issues and related initiatives
o Neighborhood meetings, open to all residents, will be held in April to review the key concerns, review recommendations from the “walkability report”, and determine next steps
o Washington Avenue: Meeting will be held on Monday, April 12th at 7:00 pm at the Nosofsky’s, 98 Washington Ave.
o Morris Ave: Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 18th (time TBD), at the home of Deb Reegan, 1 Tiffany Road.
o Resident participation is strongly encouraged
Historical Initiatives
o Arnold’s Tavern Sign (Lucille Knapik)
o Lucille Knapik has received preliminary approval from the State’s historical society to move the location of the sign from Morris Ave near Jacob Ford Village to the national park/Ford Mansion site.
o The goal is to raise $1500 for repair of the sign; fund raising efforts will begin after official approval on the sign’s new location is received
o George Washington Statue Triangle Update (Rebecca Feldman)
o Repair and renovation of the statue and triangle is necessary, to address safety concerns, ADA accessibility and overall aesthetics
o Rebecca Feldman will spearhead a project to repair and re-landscape the area, as well as establish a budget (the statue is not on the historical register to so repair/renovation does not qualify for grant funds)
o Although the triangle is Morristown property and is not owned or maintained by the National Historical Park, there may be an opportunity to present the triangle’s repair and renovation plan for possible integration with the Park’s Mansion and Museum plan
o WHNA would submit a formal request to the National Historical Park Commission
o National Historical Register (Sue Walter)
o After the February Chronicle article, residents have expressed interest in pursuing historical designation for Washington’s Headquarters Neighborhood
o Sue Walter will continue researching requirements and will begin seeking a grant writer to apply for funding
WHNA Slate of Officers
o The following board positions remain open for the 2011-2012 term: Vice President and Recording Secretary
o A Chronicle Editor position is also available
o Interested residents should contact Sue Walter via the WHNA mailbox
Summer Party/Volleyball Tournament
o Residents have expressed interest in attending such an event, however a chair person and planning committee is required
o The event will be cancelled if a resident chairperson does not volunteer
Halloween Party
o Chair person and planning committee are also required for the 2010 Halloween event
o It was suggested that the party be held on Oak Lane, however no volunteers have expressed interest in hosting/chairing as of yet
New Business:
Meet the Mayors Event
o A Meet the Mayors event was socialized, however it was determined that resident attendance would likely be low as we move into the busy spring season
o Another idea being considered is a neighborhood cocktail party with an invitation extended to the Town and Township Mayors (possibly at the Westin/Governor Morris)
o Residents will receive an update via email if such an event is confirmed
Upcoming WHNA Meetings
o Tuesday, May 18 at 8pm (host Annie Acken of Washington Ave)
o Tuesday, July 20 at 8pm (host Treloar Medd of Georgian Road)
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Monday, October 5, 2009
WHNA Meeting Minutes - 9/16/09
In attendance:
President – Sue Walter
Publisher – Tami Ross
Treasurer – Monica Boswell
Treasurer to be – Treloar Medd
Vice President – Jennifer Santori
Richard Russo
Mike & Jessica Kelly
Minutes Submitted by Treloar Medd
Meeting called to order at 8:05 at the Ross home.
1) Treasurer’s Report
a. 163 families in the neighborhood pay dues out of about 300 families.
b. The Treasurer’s recent expenses have been from the last Chronicle and she had to order checks.
c. She is still missing receipts from the summer party.
2) Traffic Calming Update
a. There was a meeting today with Denise Chaplick who is Morris County’s Principal Transportation Planner
b. Neighbors who attended were pleased with the meeting’s outcome and progress made to date; however, the neighborhood needs to keep the pressure on.
c. Chris and Aaron Turner are ready to turn the reigns over to a new neighborhood volunteer chairperson or team.
d. Richard called their cause a “long-distance race.” Both the town and township need to be involved. In addition, WHNA must decide upon their priorities – safety and/or aesthetics.
e. Denise said that you can’t rely on any one means to slow traffic. Using islands, signage, and raised walkways are all possibilities. There might be a flashing light at the Church of Christ Scientist for pedestrians. On Morris Ave. putting in a bike lane and cutting it down to two lanes with an island are also possibilities. However, that might make it difficult to pull out from Georgian onto Morris.
f. McCullough St. just made a big change, which could serve as our model. Not all of the neighbors there were behind it though. They didn’t want a speed bump in front of their house.
g. One of the meeting attendees said that we need to think about who we know who can influence people. Denise know the people who are involved in this process. Marty’s Cycle Shop might be able to bring visibility to our cause by using their monthly critical mass rides for our neighborhood.
h. Denise is going to create a summary of the meeting and give it to Rebecca, who, in turn, will distribute it to WHNA members via a meeting.
i. Sue agrees that there need to be clear goals and consensus among neighbors about what we want to happen
3) Halloween Party ‘09
a. The party will be on Rosemilt from 4-6 pm.
b. Kris Ferrerra and Tami are going to make a haunted house at their residence, but there is a question about how scary to make the experience, considering the age ranges of the children.
c. Tami would like to use the Chronicle as a place to ask neighbors to contribute props for the haunted house.
d. Tami would also like to ask for a volunteer to MC the party/contests.
e. This year we are forgoing a DJ (which would cost about $250) and using an Ipod plugged into the Ferrarra’s speakers instead.
f. Sue urged us to think about someone in the neighborhood whom we know who would be a good MC and gently urge him or her to volunteer.
g. The budget for the entire party is $700. We spent $725 in ’08.
h. This year, we will have goody bags for the winners of the children’s costume contests. There was discussion about whether to have prizes for the adult winners. One attendee suggested giving Morristown Bucks, which were used two years ago.
i. Tami asked if we could ask some neighbors who live near the party to bring over some of their garbage cans and take some garbage back home with them, since the garbage trucks don’t come till Wednesday morning (and the dump is closed on Sunday).
4) Chronicle
a. New neighbor info, business plugs, etc. are coming in floods to Tami.
b. Jen Santori took some of Tami’s questionnaires for new neighbors and new baby families to fill out for publishing in the next Chronicle.
c. Tami is going to include a recap of the summer party.
d. One attendee asked if we are going to have a WHNA “meet the candidates” night since there is a mayoral and council election on Nov. 2nd. Low attendance at past events was mentioned. Another attendee asked if we should put blurbs about the candidates in the Chronicle, but that idea was refuted given that it politicizes the paper and ruffles some feathers. It was decided that if there enough room that Tami can include the date and type of election taking place.
e. We discussed who was going to collect membership dues at the Halloween Party. Lucille Knapik is planning on doing that.
f. This October’s Chronicle is going to include dues envelopes.
g. The budget for October’s Chronicle is $185.
5) Holiday Party ‘09
a. Last year, the hosts used lots of their own wine, but there was lots of leftover beer, which seems to happen annually (beer left over).
b. Treloar will get recommendations from last year’s party.
c. This year’s budget is $750. Last year’s was $785.
6) Miscellaneous
a. Garbage cans are being left out on the streets too late.
b. Skunks are all over the neighborhood.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
President – Sue Walter
Publisher – Tami Ross
Treasurer – Monica Boswell
Treasurer to be – Treloar Medd
Vice President – Jennifer Santori
Richard Russo
Mike & Jessica Kelly
Minutes Submitted by Treloar Medd
Meeting called to order at 8:05 at the Ross home.
1) Treasurer’s Report
a. 163 families in the neighborhood pay dues out of about 300 families.
b. The Treasurer’s recent expenses have been from the last Chronicle and she had to order checks.
c. She is still missing receipts from the summer party.
2) Traffic Calming Update
a. There was a meeting today with Denise Chaplick who is Morris County’s Principal Transportation Planner
b. Neighbors who attended were pleased with the meeting’s outcome and progress made to date; however, the neighborhood needs to keep the pressure on.
c. Chris and Aaron Turner are ready to turn the reigns over to a new neighborhood volunteer chairperson or team.
d. Richard called their cause a “long-distance race.” Both the town and township need to be involved. In addition, WHNA must decide upon their priorities – safety and/or aesthetics.
e. Denise said that you can’t rely on any one means to slow traffic. Using islands, signage, and raised walkways are all possibilities. There might be a flashing light at the Church of Christ Scientist for pedestrians. On Morris Ave. putting in a bike lane and cutting it down to two lanes with an island are also possibilities. However, that might make it difficult to pull out from Georgian onto Morris.
f. McCullough St. just made a big change, which could serve as our model. Not all of the neighbors there were behind it though. They didn’t want a speed bump in front of their house.
g. One of the meeting attendees said that we need to think about who we know who can influence people. Denise know the people who are involved in this process. Marty’s Cycle Shop might be able to bring visibility to our cause by using their monthly critical mass rides for our neighborhood.
h. Denise is going to create a summary of the meeting and give it to Rebecca, who, in turn, will distribute it to WHNA members via a meeting.
i. Sue agrees that there need to be clear goals and consensus among neighbors about what we want to happen
3) Halloween Party ‘09
a. The party will be on Rosemilt from 4-6 pm.
b. Kris Ferrerra and Tami are going to make a haunted house at their residence, but there is a question about how scary to make the experience, considering the age ranges of the children.
c. Tami would like to use the Chronicle as a place to ask neighbors to contribute props for the haunted house.
d. Tami would also like to ask for a volunteer to MC the party/contests.
e. This year we are forgoing a DJ (which would cost about $250) and using an Ipod plugged into the Ferrarra’s speakers instead.
f. Sue urged us to think about someone in the neighborhood whom we know who would be a good MC and gently urge him or her to volunteer.
g. The budget for the entire party is $700. We spent $725 in ’08.
h. This year, we will have goody bags for the winners of the children’s costume contests. There was discussion about whether to have prizes for the adult winners. One attendee suggested giving Morristown Bucks, which were used two years ago.
i. Tami asked if we could ask some neighbors who live near the party to bring over some of their garbage cans and take some garbage back home with them, since the garbage trucks don’t come till Wednesday morning (and the dump is closed on Sunday).
4) Chronicle
a. New neighbor info, business plugs, etc. are coming in floods to Tami.
b. Jen Santori took some of Tami’s questionnaires for new neighbors and new baby families to fill out for publishing in the next Chronicle.
c. Tami is going to include a recap of the summer party.
d. One attendee asked if we are going to have a WHNA “meet the candidates” night since there is a mayoral and council election on Nov. 2nd. Low attendance at past events was mentioned. Another attendee asked if we should put blurbs about the candidates in the Chronicle, but that idea was refuted given that it politicizes the paper and ruffles some feathers. It was decided that if there enough room that Tami can include the date and type of election taking place.
e. We discussed who was going to collect membership dues at the Halloween Party. Lucille Knapik is planning on doing that.
f. This October’s Chronicle is going to include dues envelopes.
g. The budget for October’s Chronicle is $185.
5) Holiday Party ‘09
a. Last year, the hosts used lots of their own wine, but there was lots of leftover beer, which seems to happen annually (beer left over).
b. Treloar will get recommendations from last year’s party.
c. This year’s budget is $750. Last year’s was $785.
6) Miscellaneous
a. Garbage cans are being left out on the streets too late.
b. Skunks are all over the neighborhood.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
March Meeting Minutes
Washington Headquarters Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes – March 18, 2009
The WHNA meeting was held at the home Sue and Keith Walter of Olmstead Road, and was called to order at 8:07pm. Attendees included: Sue Walter, Jen Santori, Monica Boswell, Michele Lucas, Lucille Knapik, Rebecca Feldman, Sumner Parker, and Stephen Sumski.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the last WHNA meeting held January 20, 2009 were approved by Sue Walter and distributed to residents via email.
Treasurer’s Report
Dues collection for 2009 is going well. As of March 18, 130 families have paid dues and the WHNA has collected $2137, compared to a total collection of $2295 for all of 2008. The dues collected still just barely covers WHNA expenses. Several ideas were discussed to increase resident dues collection, including
o Accepting PayPal as a form of payment with increased emphasis on online dues drives
o Kicking-off dues collection for the new year with the October Chronicle vs. the February issue
o Charging a small fee to attend events (instead of increase amount of dues)
o Outlining in the Chronicle what residents get for their small dues contribution
Directory Status
2009 WHNA directories will be printed late March for early spring distribution to all dues-paid residents. A total of 250 copies will be printed at a cost of $270. Lucille Knapik is coordinating the directory reprint and will notify WHNA Reps with as much notice as possible about delivery and distribution requirements.
Chronicle Newsletter
The February 2009 Chronicle, managed by the new WHNA Editor-in-Chief Tami Ross, got rave reviews. Positive resident feedback was received, with particular interest in the “Getting to know your neighbors” story. The next edition is scheduled for May, which will be a four-page spread featuring the Summer Block Party. Other feature suggestions include “WHNA Dues: What you get for your money”. Also, the Board is seeking input from residents for Neighbor News—births, weddings, accomplishments, etc. Deadline for stories and submissions is May 1.
WHNA Survey
As of March 18, 25 neighbors had participated in the WHNA online survey, where the Board is seeking input from residents on what they expect from the WHNA, and what types of events would increase participation and generate excitement/enthusiasm. They survey closes March 31 and tabulated results will be read-out at the next WHNA meeting, scheduled for mid-May.
Upcoming 2009 Events
Earth Day Cleanup: Scheduled for Saturday, April 18 from 9:30-11:00. Event committee includes Lauren McQueeney, Stephen Sumski, Lucille Knapik, plus Jen Santori is following up on two additional leads. Volunteers will meet at Jacob Ford Park and will get a free t-shirt, donuts and coffee prior to the clean-up. A reminder email will go out to all residents on the email distribution list.
Neighborhood Garage Sale: Scheduled for Saturday, May 16 from 9:00-2:00, rain or shine. Sue Walter is chairing the event and coordinating (with the help of Anne Bertucci and Rebecca Feldman) balloons, signs, resident maps, newspaper classified advertisement. Reminders will be sent via email to increase participation.
Summer Block Party: Scheduled for Sunday, June 14 from 12:00—3:00. Jen Santori is chairing the event with the help of Robin Jenkins. They are seeking additional committee members. A budget of $350 was allocated to this event. The WHNA will provide “starter” food, condiments, entertainment and coordinated activities. Residents will be asked to participate by bringing appetizers, salads, food, or dessert.
Halloween Party: Scheduled for Saturday, October 31 from 3:00-6:00 (note earlier start time). The WHNA is seeking a chair for this event. Committee participants include Denise Serra and Tami Ross.
Holiday Party: Scheduled for Friday, December 4 from 8:00-11:00. Chair people include Annie Acken, Treloar Medd and Rachel Petr. A host family is still needed. To contain costs, this event will now be a “BYO”; the WHNA will not be providing any alcoholic beverages.
Holiday Caroling Event: Not currently scheduled. TBD based on demand, although there was a good resident turnout in 2008.
Open Discussion
Lucille Knapik asked if the WHNA could send an email to residents regarding a Kellogg Club event being held in May to support the Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter. The event is a narrated fashion show titled “27 Dresses”. The WHNA Board agreed that we could not use the resident email distribution lists for promoting the event, but did agree that we would post the event details and invitation on the WHNA Blog. Residents are encouraged to use the WHNA Blog for similar event postings, etc.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for 8:00 pm on Tuesday, May 19 at the home of Monica Boswell (Jen Santori as backup). A reminder will be sent to residents via email.
Meeting Minutes – March 18, 2009
The WHNA meeting was held at the home Sue and Keith Walter of Olmstead Road, and was called to order at 8:07pm. Attendees included: Sue Walter, Jen Santori, Monica Boswell, Michele Lucas, Lucille Knapik, Rebecca Feldman, Sumner Parker, and Stephen Sumski.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the last WHNA meeting held January 20, 2009 were approved by Sue Walter and distributed to residents via email.
Treasurer’s Report
Dues collection for 2009 is going well. As of March 18, 130 families have paid dues and the WHNA has collected $2137, compared to a total collection of $2295 for all of 2008. The dues collected still just barely covers WHNA expenses. Several ideas were discussed to increase resident dues collection, including
o Accepting PayPal as a form of payment with increased emphasis on online dues drives
o Kicking-off dues collection for the new year with the October Chronicle vs. the February issue
o Charging a small fee to attend events (instead of increase amount of dues)
o Outlining in the Chronicle what residents get for their small dues contribution
Directory Status
2009 WHNA directories will be printed late March for early spring distribution to all dues-paid residents. A total of 250 copies will be printed at a cost of $270. Lucille Knapik is coordinating the directory reprint and will notify WHNA Reps with as much notice as possible about delivery and distribution requirements.
Chronicle Newsletter
The February 2009 Chronicle, managed by the new WHNA Editor-in-Chief Tami Ross, got rave reviews. Positive resident feedback was received, with particular interest in the “Getting to know your neighbors” story. The next edition is scheduled for May, which will be a four-page spread featuring the Summer Block Party. Other feature suggestions include “WHNA Dues: What you get for your money”. Also, the Board is seeking input from residents for Neighbor News—births, weddings, accomplishments, etc. Deadline for stories and submissions is May 1.
WHNA Survey
As of March 18, 25 neighbors had participated in the WHNA online survey, where the Board is seeking input from residents on what they expect from the WHNA, and what types of events would increase participation and generate excitement/enthusiasm. They survey closes March 31 and tabulated results will be read-out at the next WHNA meeting, scheduled for mid-May.
Upcoming 2009 Events
Earth Day Cleanup: Scheduled for Saturday, April 18 from 9:30-11:00. Event committee includes Lauren McQueeney, Stephen Sumski, Lucille Knapik, plus Jen Santori is following up on two additional leads. Volunteers will meet at Jacob Ford Park and will get a free t-shirt, donuts and coffee prior to the clean-up. A reminder email will go out to all residents on the email distribution list.
Neighborhood Garage Sale: Scheduled for Saturday, May 16 from 9:00-2:00, rain or shine. Sue Walter is chairing the event and coordinating (with the help of Anne Bertucci and Rebecca Feldman) balloons, signs, resident maps, newspaper classified advertisement. Reminders will be sent via email to increase participation.
Summer Block Party: Scheduled for Sunday, June 14 from 12:00—3:00. Jen Santori is chairing the event with the help of Robin Jenkins. They are seeking additional committee members. A budget of $350 was allocated to this event. The WHNA will provide “starter” food, condiments, entertainment and coordinated activities. Residents will be asked to participate by bringing appetizers, salads, food, or dessert.
Halloween Party: Scheduled for Saturday, October 31 from 3:00-6:00 (note earlier start time). The WHNA is seeking a chair for this event. Committee participants include Denise Serra and Tami Ross.
Holiday Party: Scheduled for Friday, December 4 from 8:00-11:00. Chair people include Annie Acken, Treloar Medd and Rachel Petr. A host family is still needed. To contain costs, this event will now be a “BYO”; the WHNA will not be providing any alcoholic beverages.
Holiday Caroling Event: Not currently scheduled. TBD based on demand, although there was a good resident turnout in 2008.
Open Discussion
Lucille Knapik asked if the WHNA could send an email to residents regarding a Kellogg Club event being held in May to support the Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter. The event is a narrated fashion show titled “27 Dresses”. The WHNA Board agreed that we could not use the resident email distribution lists for promoting the event, but did agree that we would post the event details and invitation on the WHNA Blog. Residents are encouraged to use the WHNA Blog for similar event postings, etc.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for 8:00 pm on Tuesday, May 19 at the home of Monica Boswell (Jen Santori as backup). A reminder will be sent to residents via email.
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